
How to Install Mame on Jetson Nano

I confirmed launching mame for ubuntu 18.04 on Jetson Nano.
Option 1 is confirmed at this time, but option 2 is examining now.

You can install mame by APT for ubuntu 18.04 - L4T - (Option 1)
$ sudo apt install mame

But you can build latest version of mame - (Option 2)
$ git clone https://github.com/mamedev/mame.git -b mame0214
$ cd mame
$ make

Building mame takes long time to compile, so you need more patient than using apt

You can check it out and create branch after clone
$ git clone https://github.com/mamedev/mame.git
$ git checkout tags/mame0214 -b mame0214

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